Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Yesterday at Huntington Beach State Park I spotted monarchs for the first time this season. I was beginning to wonder if I would see any this year. My backyard butterfly population has definitely been less this year. In a recent newspaper article, an entomologist at Clemson University acknowledged a decreased population of butterflies and most are arriving later. The freeze in April may have had an affect on them. Hopefully, this is just a one year anomaly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here Are Some Host Plants You May Wish To Locate
For Your Butterfly Garden: Butterfly: Host Plants:
Monarch Milkweed (Asclepias)
Baltimore Checkerspot Turtlehead (Chelone)
Black Swallowtail Dill, Parsley, Fennel, Rue, Queen Anne's Lace
Tiger Swallowtail Wild Cherry, Yellow Poplar
Spicebush Swallowtail Spicebush, Sassafras
Giant Swallowtail Citrus trees, Prickly Ash
Great-Spangled Fritillary Violets
Meadow Fritillary Violets
Question Mark Nettle, False Nettle, Elm, Hops, Hackberry
Comma (Hop Merchant) Nettle, False Nettle, Elm, Hops
Mourning Cloak Willow, Birch, Elm, Hackberry
Painted Lady Hollyhock, Pearly Everlasting, 'Silver Brocade' Artemisia
Common Buckeye Snapdragon, Heliotrope, Verbena
Viceroy Willow, Aspen, Poplar, Cherry
Red-Spotted Purple Wild Cherry, Poplar, Aspen
Dainty Sulphur Sneezeweed (Helenium)
Gray Hairstreak Hibiscus, Hollyhock, Rose of Sharon
Silvery Blue Lupine
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth Viburnum, Honeysuckle